The Billionaire’s Secret

Steve Jobs was an observer of the “Universe”. But not the great Universe we think of when look to the sky. He said, “Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. “

Innovators like Jobs and others have a unique way of perceiving the universe – the observable world. Their innovations emanate from this unique model. They look at ordinary things – commodities – and see unique opportunities that are different from what most other people “see”. These are the people who build billion-dollar companies and become billionaires themselves as a result. I call this model ‘The Billionaire’s Secret’.

But it’s not really a secret. It’s just that you have never been shown how this works – until now. Jobs, Gates, Bezos, Musk and all the others; these people are no smarter than you and me. We too have their same capacity to see the uniqueness of the opportunities already within the universe of our jobs and our companies, all from the perspective of The Billionaire’s Secret.

On December 7 we are going to give everyone access to the power of ‘The Billionaires Secret’. We will explore how you can apply this so-called ‘secret model’ to your career and your business – to separate you from your opposition and make them irrelevant. As a result, your businesses will become much more valuable to you and your customers, maybe even give you access to a Billion-dollar idea.

Dan Prosser

Dan Prosser is the creator of ‘Accelerated Accountability’ an online team training program for entrepreneurs and leaders who characterize the 87% of all companies that don’t fully execute their strategy every year. He recently developed and launched PromisEZ™ the Accountability Scorecard® a SaaS for business teams to take accountability to a new level and companies who want to execute a 10X strategy for their business.

Dan is the author of ‘THIRTEENERS: Why Only 13 Percent of Companies Successfully Execute Their Strategy-and How Yours Can Be One of Them’; named one of the top 5 business books at the prestigious world-famous Frankfurt Book Fair in 2015.

His passion is the study of Systems Evolution such as Reverse Salient’s that expose impairments and weaknesses that hamper the progress or prevent the fulfillment of potential development of systems (i.e. business). He has taught and written about innovation weaknesses as the source of immense opportunity, since 1995.

When: Friday, December 7, 2018
7:15 am – Breakfast and Networking
8:00 am – Dan’s Presentation
9:00 – 9:15 am – Networking

Location: Note New Location
Brookview Golf Club
Register Now!316 Brookview Pkwy South
Golden Valley, MN 55426

Investment: (hot breakfast included)
$25 per PSA Gold Member
Silver Members and Guests are welcome at $45 per person

Registration Deadline: NOON Wednesday, December 5, 2018

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 Biz Journal


About bhellkamp

Bill Hellkamp has dedicated the past 30 years to helping professionals maximize their capabilities. A noted facilitator, executive coach and speaker, Bill is able to captivate audiences with his entertaining and insightful perspective on individual and team development. Through interactive activities and thoughtful questioning he is able to increase the participant’s awareness of where they need to grow. He then gives them practical tools to accomplish that evolution. He has published hundreds of motivating articles and videos that can be accessed on his website at Each year he speaks to thousands of business, government and community leaders throughout the Unites States as well as Canada, England, France, Germany and Spain. Clients include Medtronic, Toro, 3M, Abbott Diagnostics, Capital Safety, XRS, MicroEdge, The City of Minneapolis, RSM US, and Digital River. His organization, REACH Development Systems, specializes in presentation skills, sales development and leadership training. One of the most exciting concepts he has been working on is to combine group training with personal coaching to provide more permanent improvement for each participant.

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