If You’re in Sales, You’re a Leader

As sales is the craft of influencing new thinking in people, it is incumbent upon the sales agent to foster a meaningful relationship with the customer so each can hear and be heard. At the basis of all relationships is trust, and trust can be created and destroyed. The charter of The Institute to Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously! is to encourage leaders to check their egos – the great trust destroyer – at the door. Leaders don’t have to have official titles to denote leadership, rather anybody who takes people on a journey to buy new ideas is a leader, including the Sales Professional. Howie Milstein will present background on the human condition that enables an understanding of how their and others’ brains work, and show how customer relationships can be optimally built. The participants will develop greater awareness of emotional intelligence and be able to understand the elements that contribute to – and compromise – trust.

Howie Milstein

Howie Milstein decided early in his career to question conventional thinking and seek the truth that is rooted in unbiased observation.  As the world of medicine tries to evolve towards a system of evidence-based care, so does Howie believe that it’s more meaningful to live an evidence-based life and lead evidence-based communities.

As the Twin Cities’ first personal trainer in the 1980’s, available resources that promoted certain ways of motivating his clients did not resonate with his observations.  Spawned from this curiosity to learn the bases of the human condition was a passion that guided his studies and leadership principles.  These principles have been implemented in many roles since his personal training days, including over 25 years managing teams in the medical device industry, with titles including Distributor, National Sales Manager, Sr. Vice President of Sales, Chief Operating Officer, President, and The Gangster of Love (his favorite). Now re-invented as a leadership consultant, author, and career coach, his title are Vocational Irritant and Provocateur. Proudly annoying, his current victims include his clients, community stakeholders, and non-profit agencies and board members.

When: Friday, February 7, 2020
7:15 am – Breakfast and Networking
8:00 am – Howies’s Presentation
9:00 – 9:15 am – Networking

DoubleTree Park Place Hotel (394/100)
Register Now!1500 Park Place Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55416

Investment: (hot breakfast included)
$25 per PSA Gold Member
Silver Members and Guests are welcome at $45 per person


Registration Deadline: NOON Wednesday, February 5, 2020

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About bhellkamp

Bill Hellkamp has dedicated the past 30 years to helping professionals maximize their capabilities. A noted facilitator, executive coach and speaker, Bill is able to captivate audiences with his entertaining and insightful perspective on individual and team development. Through interactive activities and thoughtful questioning he is able to increase the participant’s awareness of where they need to grow. He then gives them practical tools to accomplish that evolution. He has published hundreds of motivating articles and videos that can be accessed on his website at www.reachdev.com Each year he speaks to thousands of business, government and community leaders throughout the Unites States as well as Canada, England, France, Germany and Spain. Clients include Medtronic, Toro, 3M, Abbott Diagnostics, Capital Safety, XRS, MicroEdge, The City of Minneapolis, RSM US, and Digital River. His organization, REACH Development Systems, specializes in presentation skills, sales development and leadership training. One of the most exciting concepts he has been working on is to combine group training with personal coaching to provide more permanent improvement for each participant.

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